Special Prefix to Mark
Vancouver Winter Olympics
VX3NOO will operate 1 February
- 31 March, 2010.
QSL info:
Direct with a # 10 SAE, "greenstamps"
or new stamped IRC (no "touching fingers" !).
(U.S. operators: United States stamps
on an enclosed SAE # 10 envelope will not be accepted by Canada Post.
If you wish to use postage stamps instead
of "greenstamps" place them loose in the envelope.
I can use them for my own SASE for U.S.
contacts. Thanks!)
Michael Bell
P.O. Box 44014
Barriefield PO
Kingston, ON K7L 0B4
USA: 1 greenstamp / IRC
ALL other international: two (2) greenstamps
/ one (1) IRC
Bureau (via manager: VE3NOO)
E-QSL : VX3NOO is registered
QSL card is
10.1 x 15.3 cm.
4 X 6 in.
(non-standard size)
requires #10 envelope