Special Event Call to Mark
100th Anniversaries
in Parks Canada,
Canada's National
System of Parks
1909 - 2009
of Canada's National Park System
Information: Parks Canada
VE3PARK will operate 1 December
- 31 December, 2009.
QSL info:
Direct with an SAE, "greenstamps"
or new stamped IRC (no "touching fingers" !).
(U.S. operators: United States stamps
on the enclosed SAE envelope will not be accepted by Canada Post.
If you wish to use postage stamps instead
of "greenstamps" place them loose in the envelope.
I can use them for my own SASE for U.S.
contacts. Thanks!)
Michael Bell
P.O. Box 44014
Barriefield PO
Kingston, ON K7L 0B4
USA: 1 greenstamp / IRC
ALL other international: 2 greenstamps
Bureau (via manager: VE3NOO)
E-QSL : VE3PARK is registered.
QSL card is
standard size.